Saturday, May 19, 2007

So Happy

Last night I had a chance to go into TSO for a little while to play. I went to another city just to see how quiet things have become. I was so happy to have found two of my long lost friends, Sonnie & Shay. I didn't know who they were at first until we all got into a converstaion about TSO and then about SL and I found out who they were. I am still smiling from the excitement lol. Sonnie and I had been friends since TSO days long before there was a thought of any other on line game. Shay was like a younger sister to us always getting into trouble but standing her ground just the same. We all decided to go into business together in SL which is going to make this much easier for me. Sonnie is already a designer in sl but she has not been playing much. Shay was a designer in she was not that successful but she was a very successful builder in TSO and told me she had tried her hands at making jewelry and was pretty good at it. So now I am NOT alone its all about US lol.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

RL vs OL

There is so much happening in my real life right now that my second life is at a total stand still. I have not been in photo shop for the past month and I am not even sure when I will be able to even start my clothing line. I spoke to my online sister "Desi" and she was telling me how she was going to be in photoshop this evening. I caught myself envying her to be able to do this. I have been working hard on a new project with my job and today was even more crazy. I went to my second interview for a new position at my job and went through testing today which I passed with flying colors I may add. I am a little excited I just need to know what the money factor is. My next step is for me to be able to move hopefully no later then the 24th then everything else should be good for me. SOOOOO hopefully I will be in photoshop by this weekend.

Friday, May 4, 2007


I am so excited I have actually finished 5 outfits for my clothing line. WOOT!!! I finally took some time out and got in photo shop. My job is very stressful so when I get home I usually take a shower, eat and watch something pre-recorder on my DVR and then go to bed. However the past two evening I have actually got into photo shop and did some work. I am proud of the final pieces and am looking forward to displaying them. I am going to have to push my release date back by one week however because I am moving next week and that will take a lot of my time to get things together and packed and then unpacked. I am sure I will be without internet for a few days due to the company I work for being so back logged. But I hope to have my line out no later then the 25th if not sooner. I am still looking for some land in game to place my store. That right now is one of my biggest issues that I have to address. YAY ME!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

Here they are

Last night I came home and decided to actually work on my line a little bit. I was happy that within 3 hours I was able to come out with 4 outfits. I had already had them some what done but finished up last night. I now need to work on at least 2 jewelry pieces hopefully tonight.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

My First Piece ** HOLLYLUYER**

I actually am happy to be at work this morning at 5:40am. I didn't get any sleep last night but I did make my first outfit. YES! YES!! YES!!!! I am so proud of myself right now. I made a Jean Outfit with a cute top along with some serious hoop earrings that should look sexy as well. HOT HOT HOT!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Have we started yet??

I already spoke of what I didn't do in my other blog. I was unable to do any clothing because my laptop will not run Second Life. I decided to take a much needed weekend away from my everyday life and went to a wonderful little bed and breakfast with a one bedroom suite. My hubby was ill so we stayed in while he slept and I played tso. I had some clothing that I was working on, some drawings that I had done that I wanted to put in the game. I still have a few ideas about jewelry pieces but to be honest, I have drew them but I am not a builder by any means in SL. In TSO I actually owned my own business doing homes and business when the game was booming and young and new. I had some real success and was working on learning to do roofs until I left the game to go to In there I had a very unsuccessful business as a designer I just could not seem to get myself off the ground. But here in SL I can see some success upcoming if I can just get my ass in gear and get things going the way they should be. I should be returning home no later then Wednesday and hopefully I will begin to get my business off the ground. Usually I set my mind to something and it's done for some reason I guess with the overall real life issues I have not been able to get my onine life back to where it would be fun again. Time does march on does it not.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Still nothing

I have not been able to work on my clothing line as I want too. Between my computer acting like there is a virus that is out of control and not showing the thumbprint and my family driving me crazy I have been unable to really keep focus on what I need to do. I promised myself I would really try and get somethings done. I wanted a release date of April 21st that is not happening now I am sure of it. So next hopeful release date will be the 28th or even the 4th of May. I have not even been in game to have any fun either, it's not been a good year for me so far but I am working on improving myself over all. Life does go on ya know.

Friday, March 30, 2007

It's all about ME Designs

Many have asked me why I choose "It'a all about ME" as the name of my upcoming clothing line in the virtual game of Second Life. Wish I had a witty story for you, or to say I am jsut so full of myself that that was the firs thing that came to mind. However, to be perfectly honest it came to me while I was listening to a song one day with the title "It's all about me". It spoke of being yourself and not caring what anyone thinks. She sung of being a woman who wore what she wanted and didnt care who liked it as long as she did. That is ME! I never really went for what everyone else was wearing. If I liked it and it looked good on me I was putting it on and wearing it. While everyone else was a slave to labels and designer names I was a slave to what I wanted to wear. Didn't matter if it were a designer, or something I could whip up myself on my sewing machine. Just love to set my own trend and be myself. I will try to be unique in the things I will offer in my clothing line. I will not just bend to my own taste but that of others as well. So my clothing will be sexy, cool, daring, sassy, classy, alluring all that kind of stuff. I am hope for a release no later then the 27th of April maybe earlier when I get enough pieces done.