Friday, May 4, 2007


I am so excited I have actually finished 5 outfits for my clothing line. WOOT!!! I finally took some time out and got in photo shop. My job is very stressful so when I get home I usually take a shower, eat and watch something pre-recorder on my DVR and then go to bed. However the past two evening I have actually got into photo shop and did some work. I am proud of the final pieces and am looking forward to displaying them. I am going to have to push my release date back by one week however because I am moving next week and that will take a lot of my time to get things together and packed and then unpacked. I am sure I will be without internet for a few days due to the company I work for being so back logged. But I hope to have my line out no later then the 25th if not sooner. I am still looking for some land in game to place my store. That right now is one of my biggest issues that I have to address. YAY ME!!!

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